
Biography Of Thomas J. Harrison

Thomas J. Harrison is a highly sought after internationally renowned speaker, trainer and consultant. The past twelve years has delivered over 1400 programs in Project Management, Building and Deploying High Performance Teams, Priority and Resource Management, Negotiation, Leadership and Sales. He has spoken throughout the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, speaking in every major city.

Tom’s extensive expertise is the culmination of 25 years of successful management and intensive project management experience. He began his career in the 1970’s as a project manager and Vice President of Operations. In this role, he built the training facility for the SR-71 and U2 pilots at the World Reconnaissance headquarters for the U.S. Air Force. From that time to the present, Tom has managed multiple, concurrent, multi-million dollar projects for many of the nation’s largest and most respected firms, earning him widespread acclaim and recognition.

Tom is now the owner of Thomas J Harrison International, a company that distills training into its most powerful and potent form, in primary competencies that enhance performance both personally and professionally, individually and organizationally.

His firm’s mission is clear: Help people and organizations empower themselves to maximize the human experience, personally and professionally.

Tom’s programs are exceptionally powerful, highly interactive, engaging, entertaining and educational. Attendees consistently describe them as inspirational and highly productive experiences that lead to significant change and personal and professional growth.

Tom attended university in the United Kingdom and has a Bachelor’s degree in Communication.